
Don Rea’s 100 Holes In 1 Day

From the Arizona Golf Authority AZGA Golf News Desk

Don Rea – Augusta Ranch Golf Club – 100 Holes in 1 Day

Mesa AZ – Don Rea, General Manager at Augusta Ranch Golf Club, located in Mesa AZ, believes it’s important to give back to the game that has provided him with so much; and he turns that belief into action. “That’s why I’m an annual participant in the 100-Holes In 1 Day golf event”, Don shared.

The 100-Holes event benefits the Southwest Section PGA. Don recently completed the challenge and provided some interesting details about his day.

Don Rea’s 100-Holes in 1 Day Stats

Total Score: 354 – 15 over for the 100 holes

Course Played: Augusta Ranch Golf Club

Course Length: The 100 holes measured 21,032 yards, 11.95 miles

Temperature: 103 degrees Fahrenheit

Tee Time: Start 6:30am – Finish 7:02pm

Birdies: 10

Hole-in Ones: Don remains 0 for 44 (years); 2 near-misses today

Number of Flagsticks Hit: 1

Hydration: 288 ounces of PowerAde consumed during the round, some mixed with water

Swing Thought for the Day: Electrolytes

Fuel: Short break for breakfast and lunch

Pairing: Don’s friend, Doug Powell, came out and played alongside for 82 holes

Golf Coach: Wife and daughter both told him “you’re crazy”, and then supported him all day

Extended Family: Augusta Ranch staff members supported Don, dawn to dusk

Injuries: “The hip was hurting at the end, but my shoulder felt great.”

Donations: Don raised $3,450 for the SWPGA Foundation

Way to go, Don! Good cause, good job, good man.

Click Don Rea – Baseball’s Loss is Arizona Golf’s Gain for the complete story on Don’s major league baseball days, and his choice to accept the role of Managing Partner at the Augusta Ranch Golf Club, located in Mesa, Arizona.

It’s one of several entertaining Excellent Arizona Golf Adventures from the Arizona Golf Authority.

Be sure to read the Arizona Golf Authority Augusta Ranch Golf Club Course Review and then visit Augusta Ranch Golf Club for all the club info.

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